Monday, April 1, 2013

Come Play wif Me

It has been a long dry spell with hardly any rain so Bonnie also has extended season for her walkies in the local park. She loves the park – every tree and different smells. For dogs in this area, I think trees and posts in the park are like their billboards and discussion forums in public domain.

If she could talk, she might be able to tell us the messages left there, something like “Daddy, this dude has been to Matarangi and he drank some sea water. It smells like ocean!”

Not only those things, from time to time she also comes across her human victims who bother to say hi and pat her. Many times these humans have with them the four legged things of her kind - some big, some small, some friendly and some not. This little poodle puppy was friendly and well trained. He tried to invite Bonnie into playing with him. They ran around chasing each other for a while before parting their separate ways.

I hope you all have had a good Easter weekend. The clock has not yet changed until next Sunday but Easter here  downunder seems to mark the end of summer. However, the weather has been quite warm so hopefully it's going to be Indian-ish Summer for a wee while yet.

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